15th-27thNovember 2015 has changed all that and I could not help to start writing my journey...sharing my experiences. I have been in the teaching field for 22 years. This was my first time attended an International Training Course(it was held in Kuching though but still INTERNATIONAL okay...hehehe). Made new friends from ASEAN countries such as Philipines, Laos, Cambodia, Mynmar, Vietnam and Indonesia. I, however have been following INTERNATIONAL events twice. First time as a presenter for the Melta Conference Teacher Showcase.
Here it goes...my memorable journey. It all started when I received a call from IAB, informing me that I have to attend MTCP(Malaysian Technical Cooperation Programme) 2015: 21st Century Leadership for Educational Leaders of Rural and Indigenous Schools from ASEAN Member States in Kuching, Sarawak for two weeks. The caller was Caroline, from IAB sarawak. She managed to call me at 10pm on Friday. Asking for my e-mail account to enable her to e-mail me my air ticket. At first I was reluctant to go as it was such a short notice. Imagine that IAB called me on Friday night to get my personal info, Saturday received my air ticket via e-mail and Sunday I took a flight to Kuching.
I took the 3.30pm flight to Miri from Lawas. Met Saiful, Mr Markus and Hj Jaffri at Miri airport. An hour before we boarde the plane, I got a call from Lily. She told me that the training would not be in Merdeka Palace as planned. The venue has changed to IAB Santubong. The four of us boarded the 7pm flight to Kuching with mixed-feeling. We reached Kuching about 9pm. The flight was bumpy all the way. It was showering when we landed in Kuching. We took a taxi to IAB, Santubong and it seemed gaes for us to reach IAB Santubong. We were practically drenched when we got out of the taxi. After we have registered for our rooms, we dragged our luggage with the help of the IAB staffs. At least it lightened our burdens and grudges after being informed that we have to stay in IAB instead of Merdeka Palace...hehehe. Thank you Hairol for the help and the hospitality that night. Thank you for the band aid too. I shared an apartment with Lily, who was also my TESL coursemate in UNIMAS. We slept soundly that night which I usually don't on the first day. Later we were informed that we have to move to Merdeka Palace at about 9pm. Thanks Hjh Serina, Mr Gerald, the Ministry of Foreign affairs and IAB Sarawak especially Beatrice for working hard to make sure we have a comfortable place to stay for 2 weeks.
For that two weeks, I have made friends with everybody. I met many interesting and important people from ASEAN countries. Getting to know our ASEAN friends Nay Min Aye, Chau, Jehane, Jonaid, Leav Ora, Souk, Ly Keang, Ye Myint Than, Kaygyosone, Dr Hanna and Samer. Not forgotten our Malaysian participants too...it is a pleasure knowing you Mr Marcus, a wise and humble man. Mr K.Mutharasu, who is such a cool guy and will jog every morning at Dataran Merdeka without fail. Dennis, our 'Penghulu' who is always full of ideas on what to say. Same goes to our witty Ms Jalilah. Thanks kak Ramsi for the 'story-mory' and Janet for the car ride. I would not leave you out Clare...hehehe. Thanks for the car ride and for accompanying me to the Dentist on the third day of our training...hehehe. Did I leave anyone out? Oh yeah...Hj Jaffri, my dancing partner. Saiful, our dancing instructor and thanks Cg Edward for the gift. Dr Fareeda, nice knowing you. Hj Edmund, whom I knew when I was still teaching in SMK Semerah Padi and that time he was teaching in SMK Openg. Teena Chang, it is great knowing you. You are such a humble and friendly young lady, who has the look and height(a compliment okay...hehehe). Dr Hanna or known as Pak Hanna by most us, thanks for the gift. Thank you everyone for the gifts that each of you brought from your respective countries.
Within that two weeks, we seemed to tango very well. We became one big family despite our differences in culture and belief. The bond that we have are special and it will be treasured forever. I could not resist writing about a young man from Mindanao, Philipines. He is an interesting young man from Philipines. His ideas always amazed me since the very first day of the Training Course. As I got to know more about him and his people, my interest deepens. He has changed my perspective and views of the world around me. Since then, I have considered him as my little brother(since I don't have any...hehehe). Thanks little brother Samer for that. It is a great pleasure knowing you...
There are so many things that I wanted to write and tell...but let the pictures tell you everything.

The last day of the Training Course was the hardest moment and the farewell at the airport was the hardest too...Could not help crying no matter how hard I tried not too. Seeing Souk from Laos cried and I also cried...
Bon voyage little brother Samer...Insyallah, we will meet one day in the future.
Well...What have I learnt from the training course? I learnt a LOT. There were new and beneficial information shared from our ASEAN friends. There are similarities and differences. My conclusion is...in order to change the mind set, it must come from the individual herself or himself. No matter how good are the teachers, the education system and also the infrastructure...if you are not able to change their mind set...it would not work...bear this in mind the importance of local wisdom.
Psst..Sorry for any spelling error